It appears that the Naturewatch link listed on this site consist of a design that requires visitors to access the Pulau Ubin articles through an index page where a story of Christmas Island is on the immediate first page. It is rather misleading.
To make things easier for people wanting specifically Ubin stories, I am hereby creating an easy index to the Naturewatch articles on Pulau Ubin.
Vol3 No.3 Jul-Sep 95 (Pulau Ubin Special)
The Last Wild Frontier
Pulau Batu Ubin
Spirited Pioneers
Flora and Fauna of Ubin
Nature Lesson
Whither Ubin?
Personally, the most exciting feature of the website is the Ubin Forum where people can "discuss ubin and share stories". For example, already there is a report of sighting of civet cats on the island!